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The New York Chunkees?


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"Girardi did deny being unhappy with the team's effort or that he accused some players of not being in shape."

I wonder how many players were disappointed in Girardi for not doing what was best for the team's playoff hopes and not benching or moving down in the order the underperforming Derek Jeter. He is ripping the team for not doing enough to compensate for his lack of balls.

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"Girardi did deny being unhappy with the team's effort or that he accused some players of not being in shape."

I wonder how many players were disappointed in Girardi for not doing what was best for the team's playoff hopes and not benching or moving down in the order the underperforming Derek Jeter. He is ripping the team for not doing enough to compensate for his lack of balls.



who would you have bat second? brendan ryan? stephen drew in the 2nd half? gardner was leading off and ellsbury is hitting in the middle of the lineup due to all the injuries and poor play. the reality is the yankees have a bad lineup and didn't have anybody better to play SS or the two hole. that's just the way it is.


i would think if they had a decent lineup this year that gardner would leadoff and ellsbury would hit second. allowing legit middle of the order hitters to go 3,4,5. in that scenario you could understand/expect jeter to hit bottom half, but that wasn't the yankee reality this year.

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