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The Blacklist Season 2

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Season 2 kicked off last night. One hell of a start to season 2. Loved it! James Spader continues to amaze. One of my favorite characters on tv in a long, long time. I know there are a few other Blacklisters on here. What did you think? Loved the cameos tonight. They're getting some nice high profile celebs to join in.

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i'm intrigued by the marketing of this show. last season, it was promoted as a show with a hannibal lector type character in james spader. this season, it seems to be a much different take, almost like they think the whole thing is funny. it's a weird approach that other people i know have also mentioned.

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Didn't see season 1 so I'm watching this show for the first time. I thought it was ok, nothing special but worth watching another episode.


You should probably go back and watch season 1.  I know some shows you can just pick up during a new season and be fine but this isn't one of them.  No idea how you would be able to follow along with the premiere without knowing all of the back story to it.  The whole episode was a continuation of quite a few extremely important story lines.

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I don't know if you have time to binge watch, but if you do and you just want that show, use the free trial.

Seriously, though. Netflix is easily the best bang for your buck in entertainment. It's well worth it.


How do I know what shows they have?  The website has zero information, it's like "SIGN UP NOW" and that's it.  What if I want to see what they have?  Weird.

Edited by Jay
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