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Wade LeBlanc Tonight...


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I guess he's only bad when the stakes are high? There was no pressure on him tonight, so that could explain his impressive outing. He possesses the skill set well otherwise he couldn't have thrown 5.1 shutout innings.

In contrast, someone like Michael Roth does not have the ability to pitch well—he can't throw strikes, and his entire skillset is mediocre.

LeBlanc could become a competent pitcher if he gained some confidence. Realistically, he won't ever become competent. Tonight was most likely a fluke (Mariners offense is a joke).

I'd like to see him start another game, to be honest.

Edited by failos
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In a sensible world, LeBlanc would not see any playing time in the playoffs. Wade's one of those guys who can eliminate this team by himself. LeBlanc and Roth in one game could end this franchise for good.

I'm more interested in him eating up innings these next 9 games to preserve our fatigued bullpen/SPs.

Edited by failos
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Yep. Lesson for everyone on here who panics after we get shutdown by a no name. It happens to everyone.

Great start by leblanc for sure. Would have liked to see some pinch hitting in the 9th after conger brought us close. Shame to waste a decent rally.

Kudos to leblanc for matching felix


This!!  I wasn't all that concerned about a loss (frankly, even with the A's slumping like crazy I'd rather the Halos face a Seattle team right after Felix has pitched in a Wild Card game than the A's) until ol' crooked hat Rodney came in.  Then I wanted them to destroy him, as Rodney is probably my least favorite player in the game right now.


I saw Kole taking swings in the training room in the ~6th or 7th inning so I expected him to pinch hit at some point but other than him and Cron (the DHs are always in there) no one was even warming up.  I wish they'd have had Howie or Aybar taking a few hacks just in case there - you knew with Tony Campana coming up to bat the game was probably over and I wish they'd have at least made an attempt at the end there. 

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