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Any word yet on where Richards is going

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which is funny because Richards complained about yo-yo-ing back and forth between starting and relieving, and when camp started they said they saw him as a starter.  I guess the lack of other options for the pen has forced their hand .. . 


Richards will be in the rotation 5-10 games into the season after Hanson flames out.

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Starting 9

Bench: 3 Conger, Romine, Calhoun

Rotation: 5

Bullpen: 4 Frieri, Downs, Jepsen, Burnett.


Total: 21


That leaves 4 spots open between Williams, Richards, Carpenter, Stetter, Lowe, De La Rosa, Ramirez, Lucho, Luis Rodriguez and Brendan Harris.


Chances are, you'll see Jimenez make the team because of his ability to play 3B.


That leaves three spots open in the bullpen.  Williams and Richards won't be kept because that's too redundant.  I think you're looking at Williams being the long reliever and Richards going to AAA because he needs to stay stretched and has options.


With two spots left between Carp, Stetter, Lowe, De La Rosa and Ramirez, I think the Angels will decide those during the Freeway Series.  Carp isn't throwing well right now and Stetter would be extremely redundant given we already have two lefties.  Mark Lowe is an obvious choice given his experience and I think the last spot is defaulted to Carp simply because he's already on the 40 man roster.


So Stetter, De La Rosa and Ramirez head to AAA. 

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I know this is about Richards but I really think Schuck has a good chance to make opening day roster over Calhoun, or along side him. Plays all 3 OF positions and handles the bat well.


Ya, I would hardly be shocked if he made it either.


It says something that he outlasted all the other LH outfielders besides Calhoun, including a guy on the 40-man in Cousins and two guys who had solid enough springs themselves in Oeltjen and Young.


I don't think any of the bench spots are really decided at this point, although I think Romine has by far the best shot to lock up the UT INF role. It seemed like he came into camp as the favorite there, and he hasn't really done anything to change that much, nor have any of the other guys blown him away.

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Not announced, but I think he should start in AAA as a starter, I don't think they should use him in the bullpen. We need depth for our rotation and Richards should stay stretched out in Salt Lake until he is needed.


We have enough quality arms with Frieri, Downs, Jepsen, Burnett, Lowe, and Williams.

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The announcement should be Sunday some time.


I think Richards stays and Williams' Halos' career ends.


Calhoun makes the team, Romine makes the team -- I agree that Jimenez makes the team.


I think Conger (who still has at least one more option left) is really on the bubble and push comes to shove, his defense this Spring lands him back at SLC and Snyder makes the team.


Mark Lowe or one of the other two new guys De la Rosa (?) and the other guy who's name I forget get the final pen spot despite Stetter probably earning a spot.


But as another poster points out, another lefty pen guy is redundant and Stetter really needs the innings he'll get at SLC and won't get in Anaheim.


I thought Bill Hall and/or Brendan Harris had a chance to make the team --- but with Romine securing a spot and with home grown Jimenez having a good ST and being quite versatile, I think he ends up with that roster spot.

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