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Area of the world with best weather all year?

Best Weather  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Which place is it?

    • Southern California
    • Field

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I've gotta say, the weather here in on the Central Coast could be the best in the world.  I live inland enough that I'm away from most of the fog that blankets the coast in the summer, but not too far inland where its too hot. In the summer it's 76 degrees every fricken day it seems, with a nice cool sea breeze. Winters are mild, cool, wet (well, sometimes). If I want hot weather I can drive 15 minutes north, if I want cooler weather I can drive to the beach. That would be my vote.

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This should just be "best weather in CA" not the world.


best in the world is probably somewhere in mexico or northern central american.

or like malta. 

portugal and france have killer weather too.

as does croatia especially along the dalmation coast.


I am beginning to think ahead to retirement, and one of the places I am researching is Panama. The province of Chiriqui has weather that has been characterized as "eternal springtime". Because of the elevation the temps never get much above 80 in the summer, and since you're so close to the Equator it never gets cold enough to snow. You are an hour or less from the beach, and depending upon which direction you go it will be either the Atlantic or the Pacific. The US dollar is the official currency, so there is no issue with exchange rates.


Another bonus: Unlike many other tropical retirement destinations, it's south of the hurricane belt, so no hurricanes - ever. Easy flight into Miami to visit friends in the States.

Edited by Vegas Halo Fan
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This should just be "best weather in CA" not the world.


best in the world is probably somewhere in mexico or northern central american.

or like malta. 

portugal and france have killer weather too.

as does croatia especially along the dalmation coast.


Do those have better weather taking the entire year into effect?

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