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When Will You See...Elysium

When Will You See...  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. Elysium

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It's on my definite to-see list for the year, but to be honest, the trailer does absolutely nothing for me and am skeptical. But I liked District 9 enough to be curious what Blomkamp did next but will wait on some reviews/word of mouth before I commit to theater or just waiting.



Curious to go see Prince Avalanche though if it opens up close by.

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Theater, maybe this Saturday night.

Boy do I want my money back.

This movie is a solid D. It has an awful lot of plot holes, but the worst part for me was the photography of a lot of the action scenes, most nearly all of which are fights. The director used a close-up camera view on a handheld and its so herky-jerky that it hurt my eyes to keep watching it. I despise photography like that to the highest degree.

There's a lot of the typical class war stuff in this, but there came a point where I turned to my brother and said I don't really know who to root for anymore. To top it off, Jodie Foster uses some crappy accent that's completely annoying and unnecessary.

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