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Anyone here a chiropractor or related to one? Or someone who has gone to a chiropractor and reaped undeniable benefits?

The more I learn about chiropractors, the more it seems like the entire practice is based on faulty science without any actual studies to back up any of the benefits it claims to provide. Even the NIH calls it a pseudoscience.

I do know people who have gone/go to chiropractor for their backs, and it seems to provide at least a temporary improvement for their pain. But chiropractors claim to treat everything from migraines to infant gastric reflux.

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I know people who swear by them. My problem with chiropractors is that people who use them, never seem to stop using them.  They get an adjustment and then sometime later, they need another one.  Seems like it's a never ending cycle.  Seems like they should find a more permanent solution to whatever is causing their issues.

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2 hours ago, T.G. said:

I know people who swear by them. My problem with chiropractors is that people who use them, never seem to stop using them.  They get an adjustment and then sometime later, they need another one.  Seems like it's a never ending cycle.  Seems like they should find a more permanent solution to whatever is causing their issues.

The whole practice was started by a "spiritual guru" guy who believed that all bodily illnesses and pains originate in the spine. Apparently a large percentage of chiropractors still believe this.

https://www.takingcharge.csh.umn.edu/what-history-chiropractic#:~:text=Chiropractic as a profession began,for the cure of disease.

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I have used Chiropractors off and on for some specific problems and they have helped. But yes, there is undeniably psuedo-science involved. The one I liked when it was covered by my insurance would do his spinal manipulation thing, but then the TENS unit and a 15 minute massage. The benefits were probably more about the relaxation and massage, but my back did great. 

I had another one that seemed more like he fancied himself a health guru, and I would hear him give some dubious medical advice to keep people from going to actual doctors. 

Of course, I have a lot of issues with modern medical practice.., take pills with massive side-effects, but God-forbid you address any underlying causes! So basically, I guess I don't have faith in much of the stuff going on out there! 

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I really think individual experiences are going to be based on the quality of the chiropractor. 

I had shin splints from cross country that a chiropractor helped alleviate tremendously while no doctor I talked to provided solutions. I no longer have shin splints, and I do cardio during workouts.

My dad had back issues that he went to doctors for multiple tests, and they couldn't come up with a solution besides pain medication. He went to the chiropractor who diagnosed his issue and have helped relieve his pain through physical therapy once a week. He still goes from time to time if it flares up, but it's not a repetitious cycle. 

Of course this is a chiropractor that family/friends have known for over 20 years, so results may vary.

I think it's more an option to try out if all else has failed, definitely not the end all be all.



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On 1/20/2024 at 9:45 PM, Slegnaac said:

Dad use to see a Chiropractor who was a Seventh Day Adventist.  He would tweak his back working on or around the house Saturday and then go see the Chiropractor after Church on Sunday.

Well, if a 7th Day Adventist is working on Saturday and going to church on Sunday, clearly his back pain was punishment from God. 

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On 1/17/2024 at 6:10 PM, T.G. said:

I know people who swear by them. My problem with chiropractors is that people who use them, never seem to stop using them.  They get an adjustment and then sometime later, they need another one.  Seems like it's a never ending cycle.  Seems like they should find a more permanent solution to whatever is causing their issues.

You just described pretty much all of allopathic medicine, especially pharmaceuticals.

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