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Cheap Arte's Eight Scouts

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The Angels’ scouting department has 50 staff. Yes you did read that correctly, fifty. Five - oh. If your maths isn’t great, trust me, that is a lot more than the eight that is most often quoted.

Those fifty people, dedicated to finding the very best future talents for the Angels, are working across three departments covering Amateur Scouting, International Scouting and Professional Scouting; including five scouts in both Venezuela and Dominican Republic, plus others in Mexico, Curaçao, Panama and another half dozen in the US on the pro-scouting side alone.

Then there are the Crosscheckers and the Area Supervisors, the Co-ordinators, Directors and Special Assistants, plus myriad front office staff supporting them behind the scenes with travel, admin, IT, video tech, etc, etc. I can only guesstimate the cost of running a department of fifty scouting professionals with admin support and travel across six countries and ‘cheap’ isn’t a word I’d use to describe it. 

How good they are, I don’t know, plenty of others here have much greater knowledge about that than I. How they compare to other teams, I don't have the time or motivation to do the research to answer that, so I really can’t give an opinion worth a salt there either. What I can say is: the Angels have a scouting department that is a multi-million dollar annual investment in the future of the team that includes dozens of scouts in several countries and to me, that seems like a pretty good state of affairs. Go Halos!

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1 hour ago, WicketMaiden said:

The Angels’ scouting department has 50 staff. Yes you did read that correctly, fifty. Five - oh. If your maths isn’t great, trust me, that is a lot more than the eight that is most often quoted.

Those fifty people, dedicated to finding the very best future talents for the Angels, are working across three departments covering Amateur Scouting, International Scouting and Professional Scouting; including five scouts in both Venezuela and Dominican Republic, plus others in Mexico, Curaçao, Panama and another half dozen in the US on the pro-scouting side alone.

Then there are the Crosscheckers and the Area Supervisors, the Co-ordinators, Directors and Special Assistants, plus myriad front office staff supporting them behind the scenes with travel, admin, IT, video tech, etc, etc. I can only guesstimate the cost of running a department of fifty scouting professionals with admin support and travel across six countries and ‘cheap’ isn’t a word I’d use to describe it. 

How good they are, I don’t know, plenty of others here have much greater knowledge about that than I. How they compare to other teams, I don't have the time or motivation to do the research to answer that, so I really can’t give an opinion worth a salt there either. What I can say is: the Angels have a scouting department that is a multi-million dollar annual investment in the future of the team that includes dozens of scouts in several countries and to me, that seems like a pretty good state of affairs. Go Halos!

They always had at least twice as many Latin American scouts as they did US scouts, but 8 really was low point domestically and not a made up narrative driven number.  

Only reason it took them as long as it did to get the overall numbers back up was the timing of Minasian's hiring.  Scout contracts commonly run out before the MLB season does and the free for all to hire guys happens really quickly after a season ends.  Media guys ran with the low hanging fruit while piling on but it was a real figure.

Also why you can never put the initial draft under a new hire GM on the new guy, more often than not it's all the previous regimes guys who were still under contract.

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