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The Outfield so far - and a small nitpick

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The Angels' four-man outfield after tonight's game:

Trout: 13 games, .326/.436/.696, 231 wRC+, 1.2 WAR

Ward: 9 games, .367/.525/.700, 258 wRC+, 0.8 WAR

Marsh: 13 games, .306/.400/.556, 178 wRC+, 0.4 WAR

Adell: 15 games, .250/.264/.481, 118 wRC+, 0.2 WAR

Marsh's WAR is relatively low considering his hitting, but that's due to having negative runs in both BsR and Def - both of which I expect to go up.

Anyhow, that's an impressive outfield: so far, 2.6 WAR from those four players in 50 games, or a pace of 8.4 WAR over 162 games played. 

Now obviously those numbers will come down. Regardless of whether Ward is just hot or having a legit breakthrough, he's not going to hit like this all year. Trout's BA and SLG will also likely trend down as the year commences, and while Marsh has been great, he's also going to trend downward. Adell--especially that .264 OBP--is the only player who is likely to see his numbers improve.

Since Ward has joined the outfield corps on April 16, or 9 games, here's their playing time:

Trout: 5 GS (4 injured)

Ward: 9 GS

Adell: 8 GS

Marsh: 4 GS plus 2 off the bench

So there's a real head-scratcher: despite being one of the team's best performers--and better than Adell--Marsh has only started 4 out of the last 9 games, though he came in late in 2 others. While it is too small of a sample size to project a trend going forward, one has to wonder what Maddon is thinking.

Presumably, he's playing Ward because A) Taylor is knocking the cover off the ball, and when he's not he's taking ball four with 10 walks in 9 games; and B) because he said he would. 

But why Adell over Marsh? The only thing that makes any kind of sense--aside from just small sample size--is he feels Adell needs the playing time more, and also because Marsh is simply a better fourth outfielder in that he can play all three positions well, or at least better than Adell.

But still...if he's playing Ward because he thinks he's better than Marsh and Adell at this point, even if the younger guys are likely to be better in the long-run, why isn't he taking that same approach with Marsh, who has been significantly better than Adell all year long?

Overall this is a nitpick. There's nothing to be unhappy with about the outfield right now, and I suspect that Marsh will get as much playing time as Adell. But it is a bit irking, and at the least Marsh should be being getting half the starts in LF, plus filling in for Trout and Ward on occasion.

This isn't something to worry about yet, but bears watching. I mean, I do wonder if Brandon has had the thought, "What more do I need to do?"


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3 minutes ago, Angelsjunky said:

Ah, OK - that makes more sense and explains the 8/4 split in Marsh's and Adell's starts, at least partially.

It also explains why the Avalanche sent Miko Rantanen home early from the Canada road trip. I think AO is on to something with his rant about the Canadian oysters

Edited by arch stanton
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My Pipe Dream Version of Sick Lineup

Ward at third (had 40 major league games at third in 2018 and also time there in minors)

Rendon at second (has played over a hundred games at second in the Majors... along with college and minor league experience too)

Fletch at short (has experience at short in college and minors here as well... and playing time there this year too)

Marsh, Adel and Trout in the outfield

Hey @Jeff Fletcher get this info to Madden please... thank you

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2 minutes ago, StandOutRealty said:

My Pipe Dream Version of Sick Lineup

Ward at third (had 40 major league games at third in 2018 and also time there in minors)

Rendon at second (has played over a hundred games at second in the Majors... along with college and minor league experience too)

Fletch at short (has experience at short in college and minors here as well... and playing time there this year too)

Marsh, Adel and Trout in the outfield

Hey @Jeff Fletcher get this info to Madden please... thank you

I'm sorry to report that John Madden died last December.  R.I.P.

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17 hours ago, Angelsjunky said:

So there's a real head-scratcher: despite being one of the team's best performers--and better than Adell--Marsh has only started 4 out of the last 9 games, though he came in late in 2 others. While it is too small of a sample size to project a trend going forward, one has to wonder what Maddon is thinking.


Just don't, you'll be much happier. I stopped trying to apply a logic filter to uncle Joe's cognitive ramblings early last season.  I've been much happier since I started thinking of him like a well-liked but really quite loopy uncle that comes around for Xmas and Easter and birthdays etc and says outrageous things.

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21 hours ago, Angelsjunky said:


This isn't something to worry about yet, but bears watching. I mean, I do wonder if Brandon has had the thought, "What more do I need to do?"


It appears two of those games were due to illness, but the larger point is he seems to be relegated to a platoon, such that he perpetually sits against LHP.  

I guess it's a good problem to have, but it does suck that seemingly one of Marsh or Adell will be sitting.  Of course, where do you play them?  Trout is Trout and Ward is on fire.  Unless they opt to send down Adell, which I don't think will happen, that means we'll ultimately see Marsh and Adell platoon (sorta) for now.

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