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This is nadir

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I have been one of the biggest failos on here since March. I knew they were going to be bad this year, I just had a feeling. But they have too much talent on this roster to be this bad. I predicted 80-82 at the start, so I think they are going to start climbing out of this hole, get on a pretty good run for a couple of months to climb over .500, and then shit the bed again in September to finish well back of Oakland and Texas (in that order), as they should. They will win on talent alone thru the Summer, but then it will come time to reach deep and win on heart and guts, and they will find the cupboard bare again.

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This is the nadir. Until tomorrow.

You're probably right...and if they really are one of the worst teams in baseball, and keep on truckin' towards the cellar, some huge changes to the whole org have to be coming, right? It's not like this is a total fluke season, with last year's April giving us a sneak preview of what 'extremely talented roster but horrible team' looked like. One thing though, I am so much more relaxed watching my favorite team play when I know they suck and have zero expectations. I was actually just shaking my head and chuckling in the 9th tonight, kinda like  when people watch the first few episodes of 'Idol' every season, and that whole freak show...

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They just went 15-14 in a probably unprecedented 29 game stretch against teams with a losing record and you think this is the nadir? You ain't seen nuthin' yet.

Of the 33 games starting with last weekend's series w/Boston, only 12 are against teams under .500. Three of those nine are vs. Houston, and we all know they own us this year. Seven of those games are against Seattle, and we're 3-3 vs them.


The three games vs Pittsburgh will be tough. This is a far better Pirates team than in recent years. They lead the majors with lowest opponents' batting average.


We're 1-3 now to start this stretch of 33 games, which will take us up to the All-Star break.

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By the ASB: 40-56

Sounds about right. When they had that nice 14-7 stretch against below average teams in May, a lot of people were thinking the real Angels had shown up, but I'll go with the team that's been 13-30 before and since.

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