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NASA's rover successfully lands on Mars, transmits first pictures


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NASA's rover successfully lands on Mars, transmits first picturesControl room Mars photosMars Control roomMan with hands up79eeeaf35f85c48f8adc20812b29175a.gif?tl=

Perseverance, the most technologically advanced robot NASA has sent to date, will remain on Mars for nearly two years, searching for signs of ancient life and exploring the red planet's surface.

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1 hour ago, Jason said:

Awesome! I’m a Sci-Fi fan so I still find this kind of stuff really cool. Apparently the next mission will be designed to bring this rover back home. 

That would be amazing! We don’t have, AFAIK, any kind of soil or rock samples in our possession as everything has been evaluated robotically. This will be quite an accomplishment.

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4 minutes ago, Tank said:

That would be amazing! We don’t have, AFAIK, any kind of soil or rock samples in our possession as everything has been evaluated robotically. This will be quite an accomplishment.

My daughter just told me a couple of kids from her school got to go to mission control today. I’m jealous 

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Just now, Blarg said:

That looks like a really old camera shooting in black and white. Are they sure this isn't some old moon photos from the 70's? 

Nevermind, I just checked and the old Apollo footage is far better looking that this. 


They got those pics 1 minute after landing so the good ones take longer to transfer I guess 

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