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Just saw this in the Houston dugout

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I heard that there will be a closed door meeting due to the need to search for things, kind of like a scavanger hunt for lost talent. It came to a sudden and anti-climatic halt when the players and coaching staff realized that in order to begin they needed first to search for their one shared brain cell.

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I will continue to have my say on here.

And quite frankly, I don't give a s_it what any of the pollyannas say in response.

I have followed this game for too long (47 years) to not know when an org is well run or in this case poorly run.

And it's sickening, to say the least.

Reliving the freaking 70s and 90s is not what is very appealing,

That being said, I don't want anymore freaking quick fixes. No more stupid signings, get your bleeping act together and build this org the right way!

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I did imbibe on half a bottle of wine last night, nothing powerful though.

Maybe I have learned too much about this game, and unfortunately can see the warning signs all too well of an org in current and future trouble.

It's become like say the Cubs in the 1960s. Sure they had Ernie Banks, Billy Williams, and Ron Santo. But that was pretty much it and they were outside of the Mets the worst NL franchise for much of the 1960s.

But maybe the better analogy, because we haven't sucked like this for a long time is the 1980s Skanks.....big money, middle of the pack and post-season less team for many years

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