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Former MLB Player Ryan Garko to join Angels Major League Staff


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31 minutes ago, greginpsca said:

Minor league manager or coach. Probably Inland Empire

Based on the tweet, it sounds like he's joining the major league coaching staff. A couple weeks ago, Inland Empire announced that Jack Santora would be their manager.

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40 minutes ago, Trendon said:

Based on the tweet, it sounds like he's joining the major league coaching staff. A couple weeks ago, Inland Empire announced that Jack Santora would be their manager.

Major league staff has been announced already. Matt Wise being the final piece.

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43 minutes ago, greginpsca said:

Major league staff has been announced already. Matt Wise being the final piece.

Fletcher says that he is joining the big league coaching staff. In his article, he writes that "Ryan Garko was hired to be the Angels major-league coaching assistant."


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Somewhat of a funny story...

I remember seeing him after one of his games in Anaheim - he was walking out with his family and he broke off to head in his own direction when his mom called out to him and said "come say good-bye to so and so..."  He stopped turned around with that "Do I have to" look on his face and then proceeded to come back to the group. I remember seeing him later (forget which year) when the Indians clinched a playoff spot and he was celebrating in the locker room like any typical baseball player, pouring two beers into his pie hole at the same time.  I had to wonder if his mom was watching and what she must have been thinking.


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