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Kole's Height


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One of the things I am watching for is the first glimpse of the 2019 version of Kole Calhoun.

I, like everyone else, am not convinced that simply from getting taller he will stay healthy and produce.

But the dude had better show up tall and mean.

The only only only way I am going to be polite about the Calhoun situation is if he clearly, obviously is at an EXCELLENT physical height to the point of it being obvious and impossible to ignore.

That part is in his control. If he still stinks then it is what it is, simply age getting him. I can deal with that.

If I see Short Kole Albert, I am not going to be nice.

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I'm always amused by the heights listed for each of these ball players.  I'm only 5'9", but I remember very clearly being a little taller than Aybar, Izturis, Callaspo and Lucho, each of which is listed at 5'10" I think.  More like 5'7".  Amarista was a solid 5'4".  Great guy by the way. 

The exceptions here are the guys that really don't need to add an extra inch or two.  Trumbo, Trout, Weaver etc.....they all seemed like exact height you'd expect them to be.

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1 hour ago, Second Base said:

I'm always amused by the heights listed for each of these ball players.  I'm only 5'9", but I remember very clearly being a little taller than Aybar, Izturis, Callaspo and Lucho, each of which is listed at 5'10" I think.  More like 5'7".  Amarista was a solid 5'4".  Great guy by the way. 

The exceptions here are the guys that really don't need to add an extra inch or two.  Trumbo, Trout, Weaver etc.....they all seemed like exact height you'd expect them to be.

Funniest story ever was regarding LB State college basketball recruiting back in the early 1980s.    Asst coach Bob Gottlieb (yep, Doug's late dad) mentioned to head coach Tex Winter that he was recruiting a 7 footer, and that he would be arriving by plane for a recruiting trip.    Winter is there with Gottlieb to greet the player, and someone not much over 6-1 steps down from the plane.   Rumor has it that Tex then paraphrased to Bob, "If that's the player that you mentioned, you're fired." 

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On the team roster in college I was 5-11 195......

In real life I was 5-9/5-10 169 in my cowboy boots! On my tippy toes..... Now you all know why they liked what I could do. But, they couldn't sell the future growth....

I might be 5-7 1/2 to 5-8 today!

However, my DR nurse when she weighs me I tell her 8-4 205.....BMI you know!


In real life Kole is closer to 5 - 8 or 5-9.

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7 hours ago, SlappyUtilityMIF said:

Kid fish might be closer to 5-11 to 6-0

"Kid Fish" nickname should have been retired 5 years ago.  It was forced to begin with (his name is a fish so we gotta come up with a fish nickname!) and further it was in the context of Trout being the junior to the legend Tim Salmon.

At this point it is a pretty lame nickname.

Not direct AT you, just voicing my opinion.

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On 2/2/2019 at 8:42 AM, Dtwncbad said:

"Kid Fish" nickname should have been retired 5 years ago.  It was forced to begin with (his name is a fish so we gotta come up with a fish nickname!) and further it was in the context of Trout being the junior to the legend Tim Salmon.

At this point it is a pretty lame nickname.

Not direct AT you, just voicing my opinion.

Trout is still the junior to the legend Tim Salmon. Also, I am older than he is. therefore the kid reference.


When you stand at the rail pre-game do you say..... Excuse me Mr. Trout?.....Can I have your autograph.....

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