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FBI out of control

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eric holder has had an amazing run as attorney general. question for you guys: is it our apathy that allows the current out of control  governmental shennanigans to go on? i see little that can be done about it. yeah vote and all that, but the supreme court appointing a president has cured me of voting. how about it?

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it used to be that law enforcement would work with entities to plant fake stories and such. if they've taken on that power on their own without working with, in this case for instance, the seattle times, then this really isn't any different than confiscating money when the deposits are less than $10k. it's the same kind of arrogance that says "we're going to do what we want because we want to, and we don't owe anyone an explanation."

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this is alot of the problem. absolutely no accountability for the government and thier law enforcement entities.

no method of resonable redress for anyone of average means

absolutely no voice in government for 99% of individuals 

total government apathy towards functioning as a problem solving unit


ill stop. only because i dont see a solution or even a suggestion that i can provide.

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Yet, at least in California, we keep overwhelmingly electing a party that believes government should play an increasing role in peoples' lives. That same party believes the government should be allowed to exercise more and more power.

Edited by wopphil
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Honestly we have mentioned it before but there really isn't a huge difference between the two parties in that regard.  One wants to subsidize the rich the other the poor and working class.  Both want to spy on us and take away our rights.

imo the two partys are functionally the same. one party supports the supply side economics openly, while the other pretends not to but backs big business in an clandestine manner. as an example, federal subsidies for high speed rail by the current administration. purported to allow for high speed passenger or commuter rail traffic, these subsidies in the end result were nothing more than a federal government handout to big railroads for purposes of paying for thier capital maintenance costs (new 136lb rail) for years to come.

as another example obama care allows for the destitute to pay nothing for health care. increased costs are trickled down to consumers of private insurers. i could go on and on.

big banks bellied up to the federal government hog trough. next in line were the big insurance carriers.

in the end result, politicians of both partys are the same guys in different prada suits. and you're paying for it all.

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