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How much of a difference would it make to flip Calhoun and Trout?

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Do you think flipping their order would benefit the lineup in any way? It feels like Trout is our only real MOTO bat right now, but he's the only guy who's a real elite on-base/baserunning threat, and perhaps he'd feel less pressure if he were focusing on getting on rather than bringing runners in. I know the difference between the 1 and 2 spot throughout the game is probably miniscule, but it's food for thought I guess.

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At least it would put Calhoun after Trout (NOT Pujols), and thus maybe Trout would then try to steal more often and thus make the stupid sac bunt a moot point.

Plus having a lefty after Trout would give the catcher a tougher throw to 2B!   


But yet, for a guy who PREVIOUSLY got a rep for in game adjustments to pitchers, Trout looks terrible at that now with the .240 post-ASB BA!


No excuse to NOT steal at least 40-50 bases!   He stole 49 as a 20/21 year-old, for crying out loud!

Edited by Angel Oracle
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