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The only good Cat

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Soto, do you have a video of him singing recently? If he does have a great voice still I'd go in a heart beat.


 Bro, he was awesome at the rock n roll hall of fame, it was on HBO, and he did three songs I think.


Peace Train, Father and Son, and one other (I can't recall.)

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I am unfamiliar with the story, forgive my ignorance.


Strad, we are pretty close on musical likings, but this was one that came from my parents, so out of my normal range of likings.   Mellow hippy peace guy.


He converted to Islam, and quit singing.   He's also been smeared a little.   Guy is starting to become secular again, after being urged by his Imam that singing is not a violation of Islamic principles or some shit like that.

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I read his whole Wikipedia and still can't find why he's dead to Tank.




what i remember is that he mouthed off about the US as well as chiming in about salmon rushdie, comments that were inappropriate and made him sound ungrateful. i remember him being unapologetic, too. 

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