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Week 2


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Interesting week in terms of the games.

Of course I have to start with the Cowboys looking much better even if it was only against the Titans.

Saints losing to the Browns and going 0-2 on the season

Seahawks look completely beatable when you take away the 12th Man

RG3 gets hurt and Cousins takes over. Cousins is the better QB and RG3 getting hurt was a good thing for the Redskins.

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Not sure what KC team is real. They looked like shit last week and this week still looked like shit but hung with the best team in football losing on a 4th and goal from the 3 in the final seconds. They were good on both sides of the ball with no Charles or Berry...and of course Johnson out for the year.


Our kicker sucks and watching Alex Smith continually throw it out of bounds is maddening.


That said, anyone that watched the game spent more time watching the refs huddled and replays looked at then actual football.

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San Fran is going to be this year's disappointment team. Kaepernick is going to have a rough year. Rough game for him tonight. 




What the hell is up with New Orleans? All the hype coming into the season that they fixed their defense...not really..


Not sure if there is a single standout team in the league outside of Seattle at home right now..

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always glad to see the niners get beat. i don't like kaepernick at all, so thank you, chicago.


rgIII dislocating his ankle . . . this guy can't seem to stay away from lower body injuries. i'm calling it now - he's not going to have a very long career, 5 years at the most.

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RGIII career is over now, but he will hang on and try to make comebacks. I feel for the guy, but his body just can't handle it. Washington would be smart to shop him, get a mid-late round draft pick, and roll with Cousins. He can be something for them.


The Chargers looked GREAT yesterday. I expect them to play like that the rest of the season. They shot themselves in the foot on Monday against Arizona, they recovered nicely. It was awesome seeing an actual pass rush from them again. Old man Freeney still has a vicious spin move and Melvin Ingram is poised for  a monster season. This team, if they can stay healthy, is a contender. 


I think the 49'ers, like Green Bay, came into the season overrated. The league seems to have figured Kaepernick out pretty well. He's got a lot of talent, but defenses are figuring him out. Chicago tooled his ass in the 2nd half last night. 

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lol @ KC for extending smith.


Andy Reid has to be one of the worst successful managers in the history of football.  He definitely knows how to scheme but man is he a terrible game manager.


49ers choke was epic.


I don't get it.


The Chiefs had the ball the entire 3rd quarter, but a couple minutes. That would seem to be the epitome of game managing. I didn't look at the stats but Smith seemed to have a good game, he just gets rid of the ball too quick and it drives me nuts.

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I don't get it.


The Chiefs had the ball the entire 3rd quarter, but a couple minutes. That would seem to be the epitome of game managing. I didn't look at the stats but Smith seemed to have a good game, he just gets rid of the ball too quick and it drives me nuts.


Dude calls terrible timeouts, or doesn't call TO when he should.  He challenges the stupidest plays leaving him without challenges or timeouts.  He has done it since he was with the Eagles.  It is one of the reasons they finally let him go even though he lead them to a Super Bowl.


Smith is the classic league average QB.  He is getting paid like an above average QB.

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Get used to it. They keep changing and adding rules that constantly have every play under scrutiny....catch/no catch, tackle/use of the head/unnecessary roughness, PI, illegal contact, etc.


This of course leads to commercials or 5 minutes worth of replay viewing from multiple angles. 


And not too bad because it's how you have to beat the Broncos, but the Chiefs having the ball the whole third quarter plus all the stoppages made for a pretty boring game until the Chiefs final drive.

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