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Observations/Notes from Spring Training


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  • Kole Calhoun is really good.  His batting practice is extremely impressive and his speed is sometimes undervalued/underappreciated.  I had him at 4.0 to first.  Also, he looks very comfortable at first base.  He should be on the team.
  • Peter Bourjos' swing is much improved.  His hands are super quick and some of the loop in his swing seems to have disappeared.  Impressed me.  Oh, 10.5 from home to 3rd.  Ridiculous.
  • Tommy Hanson was topping out at 89.  Sat 86-88.
  • Alberto Callaspo is very large.
  • Alfonso Alcantara was hitting 98-99 in his bullpen on the backfield. Crazy movement on slider.  Will likely be with Orem this year, but there is a slight chance that he works to Burlington.
  • Nataniel Rodriguez was looking good in his bullpen and simulated game, too.  There is no way he even sniffs 5'9 but he was sitting in the mid 90s.
  • Kody Eaves has a really smooth stroke from the left side.  Quiet hands and good approach.
  • Luis Jimenez is 31 % of the way to his walk TOTAL from last season.  He looks like a completely different hitter and it's helping his ability to square up the ball.  Watch out Callaspo.
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Thanks, Scott. I'd love to see Jiminez win the 3B job. I also really hope Calhoun gets a chance in the big leagues - love that guy and think he has the potential to surprise. Great news about Bourjos. Not so great about Hanson - could be a dud. Can we trade him for, say, a Scott Kazmir, Dan Haren, or Ervin Santana?

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Jimenez's walk rate in SLC will be interesting thing to watch this season.


I'm skeptical about the increase he's shown so far in ST, since ST and sample size and all, but that would be an interesting development if it does carry over into the regular season.


Bourjos has looked pretty impressive this spring to me as well. Calhoun's results haven't been there as much as last year, but I haven't seen much to make me like him less. Like I've said before, I don't know about him making the Opening Day roster, but I definitely like him.


Alcantara and Rodriguez seem to pretty interesting arms. And I really hadn't heard much about Eaves since the draft(and he wasn't one of the guys out of it that was easier to find info on), so it's nice to hear something about him.


And ya, Hanson. Yikes.

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Could be one of those situations where Hansen needs to just sit on the shelf for a while and let that shoulder get healthy again.  We'll see what he does in the way of growing as a pitcher, meaning holding runners, hitting his spots, changing speeds etc. A loss in velocity doesn't have to be a death sentence (that's the optimist talking).  


As for Jimenez, this'll only work in his favor.  The book is out on him, pitchers know they can nibble and get him to chase.  If he's finally adjusting, then good for him, he could get on base a lot more and force his way onto the team.  


Peter Bourjos, you're the third person I've heard the same report about, all good signs. It may come at the cost of his power, but he was never a huge power guy anyway.  


Callaspo, seems like he's 5'9 or 5'10, but he's got a broad chest and think arms and legs.  

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Could be one of those situations where Hansen needs to just sit on the shelf for a while and let that shoulder get healthy again.  We'll see what he does in the way of growing as a pitcher, meaning holding runners, hitting his spots, changing speeds etc. A loss in velocity doesn't have to be a death sentence (that's the optimist talking).  


Possibly Scott Kazmir #2

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Could be one of those situations where Hansen needs to just sit on the shelf for a while and let that shoulder get healthy again.  We'll see what he does in the way of growing as a pitcher, meaning holding runners, hitting his spots, changing speeds etc. A loss in velocity doesn't have to be a death sentence (that's the optimist talking).  


Good point Scotty. According to Hanson tho, isnt he feeling healthy?

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Was there this past weekend and I agree Hanson doesn't look impressive so far, but I'm reserving judgment until games start for real.  I don't think he's really letting it go yet.


re: Callaspo, I've read the reports too but to my eyes he didn't look any different than he normally does.  It's not like speed was ever part of his game anyway.  Just like Trout's weight, I think it's a total non-issue.

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Even if Hansen is saying he feels healthy, is it the truth?  When did Scott Kazmir ever say he didn't feel "good"?  I mean a player wouldn't outright say, "I'm not throwing very well and my shoulder hurts, there's something wrong."


I think as Wally said, he's probably not letting loose yet.  As for the velocity, it's actually relatively normal to lose around 3-4 mph after 3-4 years in the league.  When Haren was with the A's he sat 94ish, when he was successful with the D-Backs and Angels he was down at 90.  Now he's down at 88, we'll see where it goes from there.  Weaver is sitting 89-90 right now, when he fist came up he was pumping it up at 93-94 and he's considerably more effective now.  Tim Lincecum went from 97 down to 92 and he's been incredibly successful (with the exception of last regular season).  


I'm expecting Hansen to sit 89-90 and I think we'll see his real growth as a pitcher if he learns to hold runners and starts out-thinking hitters the way Weaver and Haren learned. I'm putting more emphasis on that rather than his velocity.  In Kazmir's case, he lost velocity and he completely lost his slider.  I haven't heard anything about Hansen losing his breaking pitches or change up.  Has anyone hear anything about that? 

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Hanson was around 90 last year and didn't fare well....in the NL.  So yes, to me his velocity is a concern.  Granted he could be an outlier in terms of how long it takes him to ramp up with his previous shoulder issues, so maybe he's progressing slower than others by design.  Maybe.   He the rotation wild card and always has been.  He was the guy that we really need to step up and have a good season because it's likely that Vargas and Blanton are what they are which is a solid 4 and adequate 5.  If Hanson pitches like a 4 or 5, It could be a disappointing year unless some other guys step up.


As far as Lucho is concerned, guys don't go from 19bb in over 500 pa to 6 in 30pa without making a conscious effort to change their approach.  Even with the small sample, it's encouraging.  I'd rather have him continuing this for an entire season in AAA with a late September call up and have him stick next year - even at age 26, if he can prove a legit degree of plate discipline, he could be Callaspo with pop.  Even 35-40bb this year would be great if he continues to only k about 70 times and hit 15-20hrs. 


I'm not concerned about Alberto's weight

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