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srsly, how do you choose just one, or top five, or top ten?




Brandon is just beside himself right now trying to make a choice


Brandon is just beside himself right now trying to make a choice


I laughed when I saw this. A great thread and one of the few redeeming qualities about message boards.

"He's like an older guy that always plays dads and looks like a badger" and after everyone trying to figure it out for awhile and AO chimes in, "Oh, Kurt Fuller. He was in the Hulk Hogan movie No Holds Barred"

Just amazing.


Doubt it, that was many years ago and on the old board.


Wasn't there a hall of fame section that you could go back and grab old threads?


You were on point AO. We were all stuck and you had the answer. Props dude. I still don't know how anyone would know I was talking about Kurt Fuller.

I don't think it made the hof, NJ. I think it was a random actor thread and I posed the question. Then Kurt Fuller became a staple.

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