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Actual attendance?


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How many of you showed up for that abortion of a game last night?    I rolled my eyes when they announced attendance at 30K.   Looked more like 9K at the most.


I wish they would give two numbers, the tickets sold vs turnstyle.   Arte must still be pretty happy getting the gate from 30K for a Monday night game against the Lastros.


I guess his off season plan to get us excited enough to buy season tickets worked.   He's not that bad a businessman after all...




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I went last night because my tickets did not sell. the combination of a May weekday (kids in school), boring team (Astros), losing Team (Angels) and no promotion (unless you count the drawstring bag which unfortunately would not fit over my head) this was the perfect storm for keeping people away. Also, an NBA game 7 was probably more interesting in watching at home than coming to the ball park.


I was commenting to my buddy that this was the most empty I have seen the stadium in over 10 years for the first 3 innings of a game. I estimate 20k.  I go to around 20 games per year and usually the low attendance ones because those are the games that don't sell. From my Club 335 Seats (even with first base) you could clearly hear the umpire calling strikes. Usually there is enough background noise to drown out the umpires calls. On the flip side  Since it was a close game pretty much everyone stayed to the end but still had no problems getting out of the parking lot.


Not a good sign for the front office. Not all of this is from a bad team performance. I think the front office is beginning to price out individuals who would go on a regular basis and as a season ticket holder I am feeling more alienated the last few years with the combination of increasing prices and  policies towards reselling.

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