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Japanese pitcher throws 772 pitches over 9 days.


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A second-year student at Saibi High (Ehime Prefecture), Anraku had thrown a 134-pitch complete game yesterday and another 138-pitch complete game victory on Monday. The Monday start came on one day of rest after he had thrown a 159-pitch complete game on Saturday and 232 pitches over a 13-inning complete game four days before that on Tuesday, March 26.


Anraku left after throwing 109 pitches, bringing him to 381 pitches in three days and 772 pitches in nine days for the entire tournament, a workload that Major League Baseball’s most durable starters amass in five to six weeks. The symptoms of Anraku’s heavy usage were clear beyond his diminished fastball. His normal rapid-fire pace slowed considerably, his breathing appeared heavy and his curveball deteriorated into a slow, rolling pitch without its typical bite.




Absolutely insane and totally irresponsible of whoever that coach is.

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Yup.  In the high school tournaments, which is equivalent in Japan to the Final 4 and Superbowl combined, they work the pitchers to death.  Unlike in the US, where even highschoolers and little leaguers transfer wherever, some of these Japanese High Schools only have one starting pitcher, which results in the huge workloads.  This is why Japanese pitchers are usually damaged goods by the time they get even to their majors.  


I'm not sure if it is him.  But there is one high schooler that is supposed to be Ruth like, that pitches well, and hits even better.  Hopefully it's him, because I have a feeling his pitching career is done.

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The students themselves want to pitch badly because it's a once in a lifetime thing and it's so big of a deal in Japan.

Teams usually aren't full of scholarship students like the NCAA, so having a huge drop-off between the ace and the next best pitcher is pretty common. 

You know, baseball is a sport where one big time ace pitcher can win you a tournament almost single-handedly, if he could pitch everyday.

Which is why everyone wants to be a pitcher in Japan, and the best talent usually goes to pitching.

Exceptions are like Ichiro, who was a pitcher but hurt his arm, and was forced to become an OF.

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