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LA Times: Mark Trumbo's struggles continue in Angels' 2-1 loss to Yankees

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The first baseman goes hitless and strikes out with the bases loaded in the ninth inning. His teammates also generate little offense against Hiroki Kuroda.

NEW YORK â€” It has been overshadowed by Josh Hamilton's season-long slump, Albert Pujols' foot injury and the ongoing struggles of the back of the rotation and the entire bullpen, but it's impossible to overlook:U4PrBQUWuQU

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The Angels are between a rock and a hard place. With both Pujols and Hamilton struggling and at this point totally unpredictable, we need some reliability for hitting homers.


Unless they jump into the FA pool yet again, I think they have to keep Trumbo, barring a great deal for a trade, or wait if Cron can do better.


all I know is that it's easy for me to cheer for Mark Trumbo.  He gives a max effort and has a great attitude.  If he ever completely figures it out - he will be something special... tha'ts a big if, but I'm hopeful.

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