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I really do hope we make the post season

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As I'm sure everyone else here does. I get very tired of hearing the same tired "aNGEls aRe wAsTinG oHtAni". Probably the most obnoxious thing I read on articles and videos pertaining to Angels baseball. I get it, Arte hasn't set up very good support around him. But why is it we have to hear this every single time? Why does the same narrative have to be repeated every single time? Can't people just enjoy one of the greatest players currently playing? The irony of this statement is if he were on a different team, they would have to offload a lot of talent to afford him. So who's to say if he played for someone else he'd magically get a ring? Reality is if he were on a different team it's not like it would be easier to make the post season since most teams would have to give away so much to get him and continue to afford him. The casual fan doesn't really seem to grasp how difficult it is to put supporting talent around the super star talent like Ohtani and Trout. 

I do also understand a lot of this comes from envious Doyer fans and loud mouth Yankee fans who think they are entitled to the best players in the world. But still. 

Anyways, rant over. 


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Well to be blunt we have turned into the perennial underperformers in the league With 2 future hall of famers and some good complementary pieces you should be making the playoffs at a minimum and really beyond that.

I don't blame people poking fun if you will.I want to make the playoffs though for us as fans though not just to shut other fan bases up.

Edited by Barf
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We have been the laughing stock of baseball for the past 10 years. It is what it is, I guess. 

I’m annoyed as the next guy of hearing the same jokes be made, but at some point the team needs to stay healthy and perform. I’ve lost a lot of interest in baseball the past few years with the constant losing, also all the off the field issues has really put a stinker on the Angels, in general. 

the only thing that has kept my interest is obviously Trout and Ohtani, much like the rest of angels fans. 

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5 hours ago, Erstad Grit said:

My daughter who is 10 wept last year lol

This team better make a run. 

Some of my most memorable sports moments are watching a world series on television with my Dad. I can't imagine sharing something like this with your child, and vice versa when it's your favorite baseball team.

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1 hour ago, angelsfan100 said:

Some of my most memorable sports moments are watching a world series on television with my Dad. I can't imagine sharing something like this with your child, and vice versa when it's your favorite baseball team.

The fact that she's staying loyal as an 11 year old astounds me lol. My son jumped ship to the Dodgers

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