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Sleepy Joe trying to get out of future presidential debates?

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The DNC is voting to ensure that all future presidential candidates pledge they won't participate in presidential debates.


This may be the end of presidential debates as we have known them.

The Democratic National Committee has informed the Commission on Presidential Debates, which has hosted presidential and vice presidential debates for general elections for over three decades, that it will change its rules to prohibit the party's nominees from participating in CPD debates.

In a letter dated Thursday, DNC Chair Randy McRandall outlines many objections and accuses the CPD of stonewalling the DNC's requested changes to the process and of being biased. Her letter includes a number of suggestions for fixes.

As a result, McRandall writes, the DNC "will initiate the process of amending the Rules of the Democratic Party at our upcoming Winter Meeting to prohibit future Democratic nominees from participating in CPD-sponsored debates."


This all seems like an unveiled attempt to shield Biden during the next round of debates. Pretty pathetic.

Source: https://www.npr.org/2022/01/13/1072765939/republicans-threaten-to-no-longer-participate-in-traditional-general-election-de

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2 minutes ago, Taylor said:

So why do you think the Democrats are trying to get out of the debate?

Nobody is afraid of debating JB or any other dimwit Democrat. It’s the timeline and liberal ball licking moderators that most are against. Most liberals that can actually debate are lawyers. The majority of dem politicians aren’t ex lawyers and they can’t defend their horse shit either. Liberalism by design is best presented as a cluster fuck of single issues in a vacuum. Liberalism just doesn’t stand when truth and real world common sense are in the room

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5 minutes ago, Adam said:

The debates are useless and void of any substance outside of for entertainment purposes. I hope the RNC changes their mind if Trump somehow ends up the candidate. If it's some crusty fuck like Romney or Pence I hope they follow through. 

Lol at Romney 

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1 hour ago, Taylor said:

The Democrats are worried their lack of any tangible party platform or policies will be exposed on the main stage. Kind of like how Tommy Tuberville refused to debate Doug Jones in the Alabama Senate race.

Nobody fears debating the woke socialist of the Democrat party. It’s actually quite the opposite. It’s no accident google and big tech shut down and censor debate. Your people believe in chicks with dicks and socialism. Neither have proven to be successful or fruitful throughout history. 

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1 hour ago, Blarg said:

Dianne Feinstein refusing to debate any challengers for her office the last two election cycles is how she maintains her seat even though she couldn't hold her own in a debate with 9 year olds. 

She would probably make Biden sound like he’s young and energetic again 

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2 hours ago, Blarg said:

Dianne Feinstein refusing to debate any challengers for her office the last two election cycles is how she maintains her seat even though she couldn't hold her own in a debate with 9 year olds. 

She's the worst of all the Dems. I bet it was her idea for the DNC to create a policy that would exclude their future candidates from the debates.

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I wonder if the Dems are just protesting the debates because last time, their candidate was going to have his mic muted when it wasn't his turn to talk, and he reacted like a spoiled toddler because he wasn't allowed to interrupt with deflections and nonsense.

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1 hour ago, Taylor said:

Good point, Blarg. Any time you present them with the narrative of someone different from themselves, they get defensive and say that people need to stop whining and have rich parents like they have.

Thanks for proving my point. 

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2 hours ago, Taylor said:

Good point, Blarg. Any time you present them with the narrative of someone different from themselves, they get defensive and say that people need to stop whining and have rich parents like they have.

I mean it is pretty impressive that you have rich parents and a education yet still failed to become a landowner. 

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You know what, I bet Dem voters will just play the "Well the debate doesn't matter and is just political theater" card to justify their candidate being too afraid to debate due to a lack of a solid party platform. They've gotten really good over the last several years at excusing behavior from their beloved candidate that they would have been outraged about ten years ago.

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1 hour ago, Taylor said:

You know what, I bet Dem voters will just play the "Well the debate doesn't matter and is just political theater" card to justify their candidate being too afraid to debate due to a lack of a solid party platform. They've gotten really good over the last several years at excusing behavior from their beloved candidate that they would have been outraged about ten years ago.

Oh I don’t remember dems being all that upset when Obama left Americans for dead either. Granted Obama never shit himself in the Vatican like Joe. In Joe’s defense I don’t think Reggie Love is corn-holing him in the Oval Office so maybe he deserves a pass for shifting on the popes sofa

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