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Scioscia tips his cap to the Cubs

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Haha - since they lost 8-6 how does he figure there was enough offense to win the game. With the poor pitching performances there was not nearly enough offense. The only reason they were this close was due to Trumbo's two homeruns. They didn't have the offense when it counted, and for crying out loud, Sosh, quit putting Hank Conger in the game as the hope to drive in tying and/or winning runs. He is not a player that can handle pressure situations.


I guess Jerome didn't earn the right to pitch in pressure situations. He has only been our best pitcher this year, but hey, what do I know - I am not a baseball manager. Vargas is being hit around like there is no tomorrow, and then Coello is putting runners on everywhere, including Mars, and Jerome gets to come in after the damage is done?

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No, and if they are they do not know how to get the message across.


Or it could be the players simply are not listening or executing. 


I don't blame the coaching. For example, someone has obviously gotten through to Trumbo. Last year he would hack at anything low and away. This year he's being much more patient and putting the ball in play. All the players need to do is look at what Trumbo has been doing lately.


When the team starts learning from each other they will truly be a team. Until then, I suspect we'll see more of the same.

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Or it could be the players simply are not listening or executing. 


I don't blame the coaching. For example, someone has obviously gotten through to Trumbo. Last year he would hack at anything low and away. This year he's being much more patient and putting the ball in play. All the players need to do is look at what Trumbo has been doing lately.


When the team starts learning from each other they will truly be a team. Until then, I suspect we'll see more of the same.

Or it could be both. SInce the players can't be fired, then fire the coaches.

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Scioscia has to go....You just cant keep a manager around after 4 straight years of this.

Arte is just giving the fans the finger now.

The empty seats show what the fan base thinks.

It's a middle finger fest between the FO and the fan base.

Arte has planted his where the fans cant see it.

If you cant see it Arte, please sell.

The beer thing died in 04...nobody is buying your beer anyhow.

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