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The most interesting minor leaguer

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Look, I know today sucks. Nothing is going to change that, but if anything can heal the wounds, it's time, humor and baseball. I can't offer time, have limited chops in humor, but I can offer you a little baseball. For those interested, I present to you....Gareth Morgan.


6'4" 220 lbs from Toronto. Selected by Dipoto and the Mariners in the competitive balance round back in 2014. We all know Dipoto is the worst drafter of all time, but get a load of this kid. He struck out 180 times last season, in only 84 games! This year, he signed on with the Angels and has smashed 10 homeruns in only 18 games, pacing him for 60 in one full minor league season, and he's also paced for approximately 250 k's in a full minor league season, which is 120 ish games. 

I have never seen anyone swing and miss that much, but credit the kid for leaving nothing on the field. Swing hard, just in case you make contact. 

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