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America's most profitable products

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With how much booze has gone up, you would think they would be on the list.  


And what about authentic sports equipment.  You can't tell me an authentic jersey costs $160 to make for a $200 jersey.  Same with hats, no way does a hat cost $24 to make a $32 product.  

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Most profitable, not most expensive per ounce. I think it is funny that the top four point to mindless addictions.


I call BS on this list. Beer an Oil is not even on the list.

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They're talking about global profit for the brands. Being overseas, I see plenty of people smoking Marlboros, drinking Cokes, using iphones, wearing Nikes , etc. But if you offer a non-American a Bud Light he'll look at you like you just fell out of a dog's ass., 

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