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Starting pitching since mid April

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16 Starts




12 of 16 starts 6ip or more

10 quality starts


1 of those was Roth's start of 3.1ip and 5er. 

2 Garrett Richards starts of 5er and 7er


All the rest of 4er or less meaning

9 of the last 12 starts by Blanton, Vargas, Hanson and Wilson have been QSs

the three that weren't were Blanton at 6ip/4er and Wilson 5.1ip/3er as well as today's start by hanson

For these 12 starts:




If you take out Roth's start its



avg of 6.2ip


The team record in those games is 7-9. 


The bottom line is that the SPs we were worried about most have done exactly what they are supposed to do and that is to keep us withing reach.  All with Weaver being hurt


During that time, the offense has hit .247 with a sub .300obp and a sub .700ops.  Yet they have scored 4.6runs per game over that time and the overall team ERA is 4.05 yet we still have a losing record. 


Why?  I know what many will contend. 


In addition to some poor decision making, there has been some bad baseball in particular on the base paths, and on defense.


Point is, if these guys can get their act together and get some players back from injury, they are not as much of a hot mess as one would think.  They just need to start playing better baseball and stop making dumb mistakes.  I would also contend that they need some additional pen help.  At least one arm.  Even with a strong run they may not be able to make up for lost time and make the playoffs, but the org is far from the wreck that people make it out to be. 

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Unfortunately they dug us a huge hole from the get-go and we're still climbing our way out of it.

We're not actually.  They helped dig the hole, but even with them being much better, the team continues to dig deeper.  smaller shovels and at a slower rate, but digging our way out would be the team taking advantage of a nice run of solid starts.  We need better baseball overall.  But the overall level of talent is still there.  I'm just saying the capacity is there more than people thing so we shouldn't throw the baby out with the bathwater just yet. 

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Baseball is a TEAM game.

When one part is good and another bad, and it changes around from day to day where one part is good another is bad..

It's the fundamentals. Ever fluctuating, nothing solid...

It is the leadership. It is the manager.

No more excuses....see the reality.

It is the manager who is responsible for consistency, and fundamentals.

Players will only respect the game as much as the manager DEMANDS them to respect it.

If you know you will have your job tomorrow, no matter how badly you fail,  why would you get better?

Why would you try harder?

What would your incentive be?

This is what we are seeing on the field every day.

It isn't rocket science.

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The day Arte put his arm around Albert Pujols, and said..."This isn't a player, this is my PARTNER"

The line was crossed.

Josh saw that and said..."I want to be a partner...too!"

They are "working" (snikker) under the leadership of a manager who was given a lifetime contract.

It has worked well.

They are not players or managers...they are lifetime brothers and partners.

Praise the lord, and pass the lasagna.

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