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oh boy, Buck and McDorkster

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So apparently now Pujols is good about taking pitches and doesn't mind people running in front of him


I heard that too. Apparently, they haven't watched any games this season. Pretty funny that right after he said that, Pujols struck out swinging as Trout was trying to steal.

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I put it on mute after I heard "Mike Scioscia teams are typically great base running teams"

Oh, that's fantastic. Lol.

Apparently they never saw vlad or aybar or any number of other players in the last few years run the bases in the Sosh era.

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They also pointed out, ad nauseum, all of the team stats the Angels are almost last in. While then pointing out that the Orioles are in the Top 5 in all of the same categories. I had to change the channel when McCarver explained why Garret Richards stepped off the rubber and looked at the runner at first: "He stepped off the rubber to see if he could catch the runner by surprise and pick him off."

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