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I think this organization and its fan base need more confidence. 


No matter how successful the franchise has been over the last 12 years, I think at its core, management is just not as confident as some other organizations that have taken a step further than the angels, and this has trickled down to the players and fans, and is most evident in the postseason, when stakes are at their highest. 


Confident organizations to me are the red sox, cardinals, and giants and to a lesser degree (at the moment at least), the yankees.


Those teams are just so sure about their identity. The red sox have their patented brutalizing offense, the cardinals have their "cardinal way" or whatever but it works and its built on building from within and having a very balanced attack, the giants IMO recreated the blueprint for success by focusing on using first round picks on pitching always (Cain, Lincecum, Bummy) and not reaching with their signings, relying on pitching and defense. 


These organizations have all gotten multiple rings in recent years, and no matter the flaws their teams have on paper, they do damage in the playoffs. Has any of these teams gotten swept in recent years aside from the 05 and 09 red sox? More importantly, they have all pulled off incredible come backs in series.


One clear sign that our management just doesn't have the confidence that other teams have is that strategically, they stray away from their linchpin methods when the playoffs start. Doing things that we never tried or needed in the regular season to succeed, only to watch it blow up in their collective face.


I think thats part of the reason you see the Angels making so many boneheaded mistakes in every single playoff series after the 02 run. Rosters change, the game changes, but the incredibly dumb mistakes continue on, and the repeated poor offensive showings are the norm. 


Another note is on the fan base. I am not trying to hate on our fan base, we got so many loyal fans on this forum, and many who watched this team disappoint in previous decades. 


But you ever talk to a Yankee or Sox or Cardinal fan, or even Giants fans nowadays? 


Yeah we can joke that they are douches, but you can't hate on their confidence. 


Sure, they probably freaked out when their teams were down in series, but they stuck with it and their teams came back. 


Hopefully Scioscia can re-focus the team in Game 3 to realize what got it here - a brutalizing offense, mistake free defense and solid pitching. 


I don't remember seeing the Red Sox play small ball or the Giants try to be home run hitters during their runs. They stuck to what they do best and its worked for them multiple times. 

Edited by DoubleOffTheWall
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that has nothing to do with their confidence right now. I talk to at least one Yankees fan every day and one thing that they are not right now is confident

Yeah because they are in a down period. When they had their time, they had a solid identity. We are the best team in baseball, but we keep wavering. This has happened multiple times during our attempts.

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