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Yea I remember that play, my brother uses it as exhibit "A" as it relates to conspiracy theories in baseball and other sports. To me it is just incompetence. There is no way with replay that that would be anything other than a double play these days. Oh and teams get shafted all the time, we just care more about it when it happens to the Angels.

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The Angels have played lost in the playoffs since 2005 with too many bone headed plays and errors. The umps have kinda been our scapegoat.

Exactly! You know the shitty thing is that because of Eddings making the call on the Josh Paul/AJ play, calling it a ball that hit the dirt, even if it was reviewed, I doubt it gets overturned because I don't think I have seen a definitive view because of the way Josh caught the ball with the glove opening to the ground, at least that is how I remember it.

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