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Bullpen tweaking?

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It seems that Smith has the 9th inning handled solidly.

It seems that Salas has the 8th inning handled fine for now, just don't bring him in with runners on. 


Is it time to have Jepsen and Kohn share the 3rd backend spot in the pen?

Jepsen has been rock solid the past 3 weeks.   BUT every time, since first being called up, Jepsen gets a more defined role, he'll do alright for a little while and then implode.  Can this guy EVER be expected to repeat good outings for more than a month at a time?


Kohn has allowed very few hits, but those BBs will catch up to him eventually.   He can't be expected to allow only 6 hits every 14 innings that he pitches. 


Please keep Frieri as the 5th option for now.   I don't trust him anywhere nears the 8th/9th innings at this point in a close game.


It's time to start pitching Morin!   Three days of waiting is ENOUGH!


Maronde is hopefully only here until either Jose Alvarez or, if a miracle, Burnett can get up here.


Herrera should only see games with HUGE leads or deficits, and be demoted once DDLR is ready.

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Agree on pretty much everything, other than Kohn and Salas can be switched around.  I do not think Salas needs to be just the 8th inning guy.


We will most likely see Frieri and Morin tonight.  I am excited to see them both.  Will be watching Frieri to see how his fastball location is looking and just want to see Morin pitch.

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Right now, Salas should be the first option against lefties. He's holding them to a .111 average.


They have an 8 man pen. Herrera needs to be DFA'd today in favor of Green. They need a right handed bench option so Shuck can sit against lefties.


They don't need 8 bullpen arms. They need arms with options, anyway, as only Maronde and Morin currently have them. Having so many guys without options means they have to keep them here or they lose them. 


Going to 7 by cutting Herrera is the first step. Then, they'd be forced to use Morin in the type of games Herrera is currently getting. 


Kohn, Jepsen, and Salas are all doing fine as is Smith. The other three spots right now should be Morin, Frieri, and Maronde. When DDLR and Burnett are healthy, they'll have some questions on who to send down after Maronde, who will go down when Burnett is healthy. Right now, unless Morin was to show some great stuff, he'd likely be the one down for DDLR.

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