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Today Was Angels Day on Inside Pitch (MLB Radio)

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Today was the day that Inside Pitch on MLB Radio did their show featuring the Angels.  I love when they do this show each spring because it is just Angelpalooza with the whole show focusing on the team.  I know they had a CJ Wilson interview, Trumbo, JeDi and I am sure many more. 


I know it sucks that I am posting this now, but I didn't know it was coming today until I heard it on the radio just before I switched over to today's game and I was in the field all of today, away from my PC.  I woulda posted from my phone but AW has been acting funny on my phone all day today.


The good news (for those with an XM internet account) and the reason I am posting this anyway, the show should be available for the next two days on their "On Demand" section on their site and apps.  I think you may even be able to catch it during the overnight on MLB Radio tonight.


They did a really poor job of pimping the show this year because last year it seems I had at least a week's notice before it was on.  Oh well.

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Missed it, but we're going to have our own Angelspalooza next Saturday in Tempe. You coming? Nearly 200 will be in the house!

As far as the mobile stuff today, I was coding the mobile app today so there were some moments of downtime.

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Wish I could go but with work and Little League ain't happening. I am supremely jealous of all of you that will be there.

On the mobile site, the forums are displaying extra small for me. I can zoom it to fit, but i have to do it on every page. Just a small annoyance.

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Wish I could go but with work and Little League ain't happening. I am supremely jealous of all of you that will be there.

On the mobile site, the forums are displaying extra small for me. I can zoom it to fit, but i have to do it on every page. Just a small annoyance.

Yeah I know. Some people have said that today after my changes. Going to lift the hood up tomorrow and get my hands dirty.

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