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Bomb Cyclone/March Blizzard.

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It has been almost a couple of weeks since the Bomb Cyclone (Blizzard) hit Colorado and the Midwestern United States.  I was there. The winds surpassed 75mph. When I left work and walked to my car, by the time I got to my car, my hand was almost frostbit. To make matters worst, my door on the driver's side was frozen shut and wouldn't open. I had to open the passenger side door and push the driver side door open from the inside. I drove home in 1st and 2nd gear, and managed to make it home safe. A lot of motorists didn't as over 1100 cars got stranded. I have seen a lot of snow here in Colorado, bu this is the only blizzard I've seen or been in. I am not anxious to see another one. I learned that the news had reached Southern California and Orange County where I use to live and was covered by The Register.

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