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AngelsWin community. We have a new feature where you can create your own club/forum and invite whoever you'd like based on things in common.

If you're a republican or democrat and want to just share news, talk and ideals with those who share your interests, go for it. 

If you're a Scioscia or Pujols hater and want to create a Club and only invite those who just share your distaste for Sosh, go for it. 

If you're into gambling, comedy (jokes), cars, stock market, charities, traveling, etc. etc., well you see where I'm going with this. It's basically giving you the keys to create your own forum and interest/focus groups for discussion of common themes/interests. 

Here's where you can see what's been created thus far. It's really simple to create one, but if you have any questions you can always ask me.


More on the new feature: https://invisioncommunity.com/news/new-clubs-r1017/

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13 minutes ago, SlappyUtilityMIF said:

I have created an area for my facetious side..... The Broken Halo! 

All of you pain in the asses can join if you like!.... No self bans required. You can pop off and keep your remarks off the main forum.

How do you post or start threads?

Cool idea Chuck!


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Just a heads up on creating a Club..

Club Types

Four types of club are available:

  • Public clubs
    Clubs that anyone can see and participate in without joining.
  • Open club
    Clubs that anyone can see and join.
  • Closed club
    Clubs that anyone can see in the directory, but joining must be approved by a Club Leader or Club Moderator. Non-club-members who view the club will only see the member list - not the recent activity or content areas.
  • Private club
    Clubs that do not show in public, and users must be invited by a Club Leader or Club Moderator

As the site admin, you can of course configure which club types can be created and by whom. You could, for example, allow members to create public and open clubs, but allow a "VIP" group to also create Closed and Private clubs.

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