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What if Angels-Rangers-Astros all tie?

Second Base

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I've proven time and a again that I simply cannot predict ball, so don't put much weight in this, but while poring over schedules and applying a bit of my own homerism, I've come across the situation where the Angels, Rangers and Astros all finish tied at 85 wins.  There'd be two playoff spots available, one as the division champion, the other as the second wild card team. 


The tie-breaking scenario in this situation indicates there'd be A vs B to play for the division title and the loser of that game to play against team C in order to crown a WC2 winner.  That team would then proceed to go and play in a one game playoff against the WC1 team to crown the actual Wild Card winner.  That makes for a whole lotta drama, and figures to be good for MLB television ratings. 


This particular scenario would make them 8-11 against the Astros and a 13-6 record against the Rangers.  Houston of course would be 11-8 against us and 7-12 against the Rangers.  The Rangers would be 6-13 against us and 12-7 against the Astros. Since no team is able to separate itself based on head to head standings, we'd then turn to intra-division record. 


Fortunately for the Angels, this would heavily favor them.  They'd be the "A" seed with by far the best record vs the division.  Houston would then be the "B" seed and Texas the "C" seed. 


This means the Angels and Astros would play a one game playoff at Angel Stadium to determine the AL West division champion.  The loser of this game would then host a home game against the Texas Rangers to determine the Wild Card 2 winner.  The winner of that game would travel to New York for a one game playoff to determine the Wild Card winner. 


As if all that weren't enough, we'd currently lineup having Richards start game 162, Heaney starting game 163, and Shoemaker starting game 164 if necessary. 


Just thought I'd post this because I found it fascinating. 

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