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Predict Scioscia's postgame comments (4/10/13)

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"Why not pitch De La Rosy?  I'd never heard of him before, for all I know he could be one of the best prospects we've got.  He still could be, too small of a sample size.  The guy's massive, he looked huge out there.  Nice ass.  He moved around great, I'll look at the box score for the inning later.  Blanty ate some innings tonight, and they were delicious.  Reminded me of some of my wife's lasagna.  I'm hungry.  Anyways, balls were coming out of his hand nicely.  Unfortunately tonight I couldn't match up Jeppy with Cespedes.  The spray charts are never wrong, I'm confident Jeppy will get him at some point.  Jerome was throwing so good out in the pen though I thought he should just get his work in there, I didn't want to show off his stuff too early in the game.  By the time he came out though our championship caliber defense backed him up well.  Some of our guys are pressing a bit, but we've got Skype in the clubhouse and Mickey's always willing to talk.  They're hitting the ball hard but they don't have much to show for it.  But like Jose Mota told me, the more you lose the perseverance you show is better and the little you win is that much sweeter.  We'll have some wins here and there, just got to tip your cap and turn the page to a very talented club in Oakland.  This is a character building experience."

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