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World of Warcraft


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I have been playing this game off and on since it was in beta.  Been playing more lately a couple nights a week since I moved.  Last night for the first time ever I did the heroic version of the final boss in an xpac.


Heroic Garrosh down:  Sorry for the crappy screen shot lol.



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Lol, just saying they kinda moved on. My oldest worked for Blizzard in Q&A for a while. They had a bunch of friends do all night raiding parties together for a while.

I used to watch them leveling up new characters by running around bashing slugs and lesser critters and called it harp seal hunting. I could never get into the role playing games that were not first person in nature so it never appealed to me. Obviously there is a huge market for it.

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Yeah I only play a couple nights a week. When it first came out I played it every night for hours.

I was single and a hermit. Now it is just cheap entertainment. Especially when my wife is out of town on business like she has been the last couple weeks

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I've been playing WoW since it's beta also.  I thought I'd grow out of it at some point since I was 23 then, but now I'm 32 and I still play it.  Not as much as I once did, but I still play nightly on the weekdays.  Pretty much the same reason you stated.  It's cheap entertainment and I have made a lot of friends on there that I like hanging out and playing with.


I guess since you posted your Garrosh kill, I'll post mine as well..



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Nice!  I just recently joined a guild able to do heroic content.  My old guild just kept gearing alts in normal, it was maddening.  I started in the early beta.  I am the same age.


We did it 10 man.  1 healer 1 tank 8 DPS.  I tank the first 13 bosses on my paly then switch to my Hunter for Garrosh.

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The last few expansions I keep telling myself "this expansion will be my last" and I'm still playing. I'm in beta for WoD and am really looking forward to this one so that's at least two more years for me, haha

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My late or all night addiction for a while was Counter Strike Condition Zero. My sons got me into it. Played solid almost every night for a couple years, never got any good. I would go on a  few lucky runs now and then when it seemed like I had God mode on and wiped out over half of the opposing team but for the most part I was a just a few kills above average. I quit for a year and when I came back Steam had changed it's security settings and I couldn't log on and access all my games.


Now me and the boys will team up on a couple of playstations and play something like Borderlands but no more late night online binges. Can't seem to play all night and grab 3 hours sleep and go to work and be productive. Must be getting old. 

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I'm really liking it.  Mainly for the nostalgia of it and bringing back memories of Burning Crusade.  Doing quests from Draenei quest hubs brings back that "hey, this is familiar."  This is all from the Alliance side.  I'm sure Horde won't have the same experience seeing how they mainly did Blood Elf stuff and there are no Blood Elves on Draenor.  Shadowmoon Valley is something to look at though.  Just amazing detail they've put into these zones.

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Nice!  I just recently joined a guild able to do heroic content.  My old guild just kept gearing alts in normal, it was maddening.  I started in the early beta.  I am the same age.


We did it 10 man.  1 healer 1 tank 8 DPS.  I tank the first 13 bosses on my paly then switch to my Hunter for Garrosh.


the geek is very strong in this one, obi wan.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I played from beta to Wrath of the Lich King. Had to get out at that point. When the Kung Fu Panda expansion came out, I was done. It was a fantastic game, but the amount of playing time and commitment it takes is off the charts. I was stuck on a crappy server, if Blizzard would have allowed me to move servers for fee I might have kept playing. 

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  • 4 months later...

WoD is pretty fun but it sucks being a former 10 man guild trying to progress through Mythic.  Filling in 10 more people has been a real challenge.  We got server first M Twins and then struggled a bit on Brack after two people quit and then four more quit so we haven't done Mythic since then.  Progressing through H BRF right now.  Currently 7/10.  We should probably get Maidens tonight and some experience on Blast Furnace.

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Maidens isn't too hard.  It took us 2 hours or so to get them down.  Blast Furnace took a little extra time but I think it was mostly strat related.


You guys might want to consider going to another server if you're on a Low-Med pop.  If you're a raiding guild and you're either not on a high pop or already well known as being a top 50 guild, then recruiting quality people to fill the spots is extremely difficult.

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We just keep getting people who are good players but have terrible attendance, or have good attendance but are terrible players.  We are looking into gobbling up another heroic guild into ours.


Population is definitely a part of the problem.  Still, biggest problem was losing five of our top geared players in the span of two weeks.

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Should look into Mal'Ganis or Illidan (I think you're Horde, right?) Yeah, they are huge servers that have big time queues during the beginning of expansions but its really easy to recruit people to them. I'm on Sargeras and while the queues blew big time, they were gone after a couple weeks and all seems good now.

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