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Have a drink

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Tough loss tonight. Most recent of too many.

I know everyone is pissed, but take a step back for a second and take a breath.

Im with everyone that im pissed at this team. Im still not over missing out in 2012, disgusted with 2013. The failure of the teamnis unacceptable. Doc hit the nail on the head recently talking about as much as we like dipoto (some of us), the buck stops with him in terms of failing to finally fix the bullpen.

I was underwealmed going into this year because of the pitching. The SP has looked good so far, but its still something to keep an eye on. I like the trumbo trade a lot, and I have faith in skaggs' future (santiago as well, but to a lesser degree). But im still wondering how the peaks and valleys will be this year.

All that being said, I think theres a lot more positive here than we're seeing. At bare minimum, pujols looks like hes back. And if he is, thats not just huge, it eliminates one of everyones biggest concerns. Hamilton is a ? Based on how he will do when he returns. But we at least saw that he wasnt completely done.

Trout is in a funk. No way to not mention it. He was last year at this time too.....he WILL wake up, he WILL be a game changer.

Thats huge, if those three do what they should. And that goes hand in hand with what looks like a better than we expected roatation (knock on wood).

Obviously the pen is the issue. We know it, and have known it. Its gonna be the death of us this year...

....unless they fix it. And maybe im way wrong, but I think they can. I dont think its as dire as it looks right now. I really believe that if at least one but hopefully two of the youngsters we keep reading about can replace jepsen and salas, we're in business. The main thing we have to do is find someone that can handle the 8th. If we find that guy, and he can split duties with frieri there and move smith to the 9th (or close by committee) I really think we have a shot.

The best part is, the tweak we need is very possibly in house. We have 3 guys downstairs right now who all project to be a shot in the arm (maybe not yet though). If they arent, we still have more than a handful of trade chips that can likely land us a real RP. I think the fact we have in house options for howie and aybar is going to be our huge insurance policy.

Like I said, I could be way wrong. But at least to me, this doesnt at all seem like 2013. Last year there were concerns about the pitching (and they rewarded our concerns), and the pen (ditto). The icing was a team built on offense had a broken pujols and a ghost of hamilton.

This year, at least early on, the offense looks like it should. The fact theyre doing it with hamilton/kole out, and a few of the regulars playing below normsnis pretty impressive. And again at least early goings, the SP seems like an unexpected suprise. It wont be like this all year, but it looks at worst average (compared to last year).

So instead of having all 3 components needing an overhaul, at least for right now, we look like we only need one. And to me, between finding a plus SP, a plus bat, or a plus 8th inning guy...the plus 8th inning guy should be the least hard to find.

So take a drink and lets enjoy the off day tomorrow.

(Disclaimer, I reserve the right to tak a dump under the hats and light it on fire if someone else gets hurt)

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The thing I don't like is that the bullpen has sucked for five years.  How long does it take to fix a bullpen?


In 2010 and 2011, the Angels Offense struggled and our bullpen sucked.  We fixed the offense.

 In 2012 and 2013 our starting pitching sucked and our bullpen sucked.  It looks like we have fixed the starting pitching.


The Bullpen still sucks!

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