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Sorry if this has been posted before, I did a search and didn't see anything. Because I live in Oklahoma City, I'm blacked out from Rangers, Astros, Royals, and Cardinals games. Does this mean that when the Angels play any of those teams, I won't be able to watch it? Or is it just their home games?

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Sorry if this has been posted before, I did a search and didn't see anything. Because I live in Oklahoma City, I'm blacked out from Rangers, Astros, Royals, and Cardinals games. Does this mean that when the Angels play any of those teams, I won't be able to watch it? Or is it just their home games?

Whenever the Angels play those teams (home or away doesn't matter), you'll have to watch the games on whatever local affiliate is broadcasting it. If you have cable, no big deal. If you don't, just go to a bar.

Edited by Don Tomlinson
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MLB's blackout rules are arcane.


Here's the deal, any time the Angels are not playing any of those 4 teams, you will be able to watch.


If they are playing those teams, you will not be able to watch it on MLB.tv, you will need to watch whichever local TV channel is covering it. (At least, this was the way it was the last time I checked, it might have changed)


If a local regional sports channel is broadcasting the game, you just need to have a TV subscription that includes that channel or you will be blacked out.


If a local broadcast station is carrying that game, you need to get an over the air signal (because chances are, your local cable station in OK won't carry that station from TX, MO, or KS) or you will be blacked out.


If the local team chooses not to broadcast the game at all, regardless of whether or not the Angels do, you will be blacked out.


In all cases, you will not be able to watch the Angels feed, you will be restricted to the local teams feed only.

Edited by Eric
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MLB.TV is for out-of-market teams, even when the local stations don't air the games. If you are considered in market for Rangers, Astros, Royals you will be blacked out no matter who they play.

Also MLB.TV is prohibited from streaming any games aired on FOX channel. Not sure about ESPN.

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