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10 bizarre driving laws around the world (10 photos)

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Evidently roundabout laws are bizarre to a LOT of people.  How else do you explain all of the IDIOTS who don't understand them.


If the roundabout you're wanting to enter is empty, you don't have to stop before driving into it.   


If you're in the roundabout, you have the right of way.  


Bizarre!  Rocket science!!!!


Somebody got the idea to put two of them on a main thoroughfare in a relatively affluent part of Las Vegas. There were quite a few dented Lexuses and Mercedes until people became accustomed to them.

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If that ballpark gets built next to the Red Rock (which it looks like it might) it's going to set back the learning curve all over again with the one just east of the Casino. Adding alcohol, college students, parents with children hopped up on cotton candy, and it being late at night to the equation can not be good for the mix.

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Once you get used to them, roundabouts become much more efficient than stoplights or stop signs. There's nothing I hate more while driving than to be driving up to a signal as it turns red and having to sit there waiting for it to turn green while absolutely no cars cross the intersection at all. At that point, there's zero efficiency and the entire line of traffic is just spewing toxic fumes into the air for no good reason.

Edited by Eric
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