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Mustache March with Girl Scouts

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It is a very serious tradition in the Air Force, and we were all challenged by the Chief of Staff of the Air Force to really "honor" the tradition this year. Now, before I tell you this awesome little story, let me tell you about my mustache...

I have what we call, the reverse Hitler. Hair doesn't grow beneath the middle part of my nose, but it grows to each side. It doesn't grow in thick at all, and looks kinda creepy. Anyways, to the Girl Scout...

As you may be well aware, it's cookie season, and one of the neighborhood Girl Scouts came to the house selling delicious treats. Of course I had to buy the chocolate peanut butter ones (2 boxes) because my 8 month pregnant wife ate all the other ones and demanded more. While I'm handing her mom the cookies she tells me that she likes my mustache. So, not realizing that she has no idea what it means, I point to it and say "It's March". She looked at me quizzically, and before I could explain, she looked right up at my mustache and said..

"Hello March"

and that is how I learned my mustache had a name. Made my whole month.

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That's pretty funny; at least she didn't run away screaming..  


After my week of no-shaving at Spring Training, I kept the mustache for a week (mostly because I got discounted tickets to the Dirtbags game).  If I was allowed to grow-it out like the Wyatt Earp (curling down past the smile-line) it would look ok, but my job doesn't allow it.  Nor do they allow a goatee that makes me look like a psychotic outlaw-biker!  Haaaaaaah! 

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