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Silly Batting Order/Lineup Prediction Articles


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Gone are the days where a lineup stays mostly the same.

it just doesn’t happen anymore. 
In 2018 the Angels used 133 different lineups under Scioscia

In 2019 they used 154 different lineups under Ausmus

in 2020 they used 52 lineups in 60 games.l under Maddon.

The most common lineup was used for just 3 games.

for 2021, I’d expect Fletcher to lead off for 80%-90% if the games as he did in 2020. Trout will hit 2nd probably 25% and 3rd 75%. Walsh did well hitting 2nd as well and Rendon hit mostly 3rd or 4th. 

Fowler I think leads off when Fletcher does not, though Iglesias also could. Iglesias also will hit 9th the vast majority of the time. Fletcher will likely start the most games for the Angels at 2nd, but I also think he starts at short and hits second occasionally.

I assume that Walsh starts 75% of the time at 1st, and maybe a few in the OF. Pujols and Ward will get the remainder. I imagine he hits 2nd most of the time but also gets slotted in at 4th and 5th occasionally.

Rendon will hit 3rd most of the time when Trout does not, and 4th otherwise.

Ohtani I think hits mostly 5th but also 4th when he starts at DH which won’t be more than 90 games. Pujols will get majority of the remaining DH starts, but it will be not in the 5th spot.

Upton will start 75-80% of the time in LF and a few at DH. He’ll get half his starts in the 5th spot and a few at 4th and 6th.

Pujols will usually hit 6th or 7th when he plays.

Fowler I think hits 1st occasionally and 2nd occasionally but gets most of his starts in the 6th and 7th spots in the lineup. I think he only starts 95 games though, with Ward, Marsh and Adell getting the rest of the starts in RF and mostly hitting 7th when they do, but also sometimes hitting 8th and 9th.

The catchers will mostly hit 8th but also 7th and 9th a few times I’d bet.

Ward will hit 9th when he plays and Iglesias doesn’t or if he’s hitting higher in the order.

Rengifo I think wins the primary utility job, and likely hits all over the order with the ex exception of 3-4-5, but I’d expect another infield backup (Baretto or Thaiss) and an Outfield backup (Ward or Jay or Lagares) in addition to the backup C. 


Ward will be up and down, as will Rengifo and Thaiss. 

Do you agree that predicting lineups is silly?

or If not post your favorite lineup. 😉

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