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Here's why Trout is worth the investment


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Haven't read the article -- Im certain it's well done but just on the basis of shutting people up it's a tremendous deal.   

In locking up Trout Eppler has essentially made it possible for him to finish the job he set out to do when he was hired ...  completely remake the franchise from the bottom up.   The constant calls to speed up the recovery by trading assets for quick fixes will slow, and the he's leaving tripe came screeching to a halt.   The Trout deal, along with the investment in Upton pretty much answers any questions about whether or not Moreno is will to spend and it also makes clear there was a PLAN in place and a reason for how the team has spent it's money in recent years.  There has to be a massive sign of relief and calm throughout the franchise right now..   

All they have to do now is play baseball.  It's been years since the Angels entered a season with so few questions even as they have questions all across their roster. 


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There are many reasons Trout brings value that offsets his salary, his AAV is in line with what you could expect from him through the contract both on the field and promotion for the franchise. You would expect to pay him top dollar being the homegrown first ballot HoF player. 

Now look at Harper's contract and you have to scratch your head and wonder what they really think his value is. His AAV at @$25 million is what you expect to pay for a player with his resume but the years are wrong. You don't give a 13 year commitment to a player that can't string two excellent years together. Eventually the pendulum of performance will settle somewhere in average instead of the wide swings between good but injured and great but injured. Average is ok, if your paying for that. They didn't, not in salary or years.

His promotional value will decrease as it becomes very visible he is not on a HoF career path (opinion). He will just be a poor defending right fielder that will have to move to 1st base since there is no DH in the NL. Then he becomes an older Adam Dunn, and that's not a compliment. 

This is a contract with less substance and more hair flip than real value. It was a commitment by Philly to make good on their promise to spend stupid money this off season, and they did.

Maybe it can let Ryan Howard off the hook for being the Phillies worst contract. I'm sure he would be happy to relinquish the crown.




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