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MLB working toward new PED deal, would increase suspensions


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"On the flip-side, players who test positive for inadvertant use would only be nailed with half a violation. It will be intersting to see how MLB and the MLBPA believes they can prove accidental use, but here are two examples provided by the Associated Press:"


Yeahhh, that's gonna be the interesting part. Trying to determine intent there could be interesting/horribly messy.

Edited by jshep
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It will be intersting to see how MLB and the MLBPA believes they can prove accidental use, but here are two examples provided by the Associated Press:

Philadelphia infielder Freddy Galvis was suspended for 50 games in June 2012 for a Clostebol Metabolite, which he later claimed was contained in a foot cream he used. Reliever Guillermo Mota, then with San Francisco, was suspended for 100 games in May 2012 after taking a cough syrup with Clenbuterol.



A third example was Manny Ramirez accidentally taking HTG which was contained in his pregnancy pills.

Edited by eaterfan
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