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  • 4 years later...

That’s quite a funny news I must say. Have never heard of something like that. One of my friends have been working for a lawyer and even he was completely unaware of it and found it equally amusing.


Kind of off topic but just as silly. My son and his friends will get together and play Don't Drink and Drive on Mario Kart. The game is you have to drink a beer but not while holding the controller on a Mario Cart race and also win the race.

Winning a race gives you a ten second lead the following race but the other players can't drink until they are able to drive. So many different strategies of whether to slam a beer then go, which catches up to you really quick, or drop the controller now and then and chug then go.

My son tries to time it in the straights to drink then near the finish line hits turbo and slams the rest of the beer before his cart rolls across the line. All cans must be empty before you finish and before the next game starts.

Needless to say they only do this when they plan to stay the night because they don't drink and drive. Not even with a parrot.


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