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Pennant Fever


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With some childhood diseases like mumps and chicken pox, you get them once and then somehow you're immune for the rest of your life.


For me this is how it is with pennant fever.  I had it really bad in 1986, almost killed me.  I was young then, 26 years old.  Highly susceptible.


But since then I guess I'm immune.


Are any of you experiencing symptoms?





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Ya same here I kind of been spoiled in a way

Being born in 1987 I didn't experience all the angel heart breaks in the 80s.

I remember 1995 a little bit when my cousin (dodger fan) just reminded me since then how much we choked in the 2nd half until 2002.

2002 was my real post season experience and boy was I spoiled. We won the freakin world series.

2009 was by far my favorite team though. Through the adenhart death. That teamed seemed to be closer than all the other post season teams imo. That late inning come back against papelbon and Billy Wagner was insane. Just proved that never say die attitude that team had. If it was for Fuentes and Arod we had a real good chance at taking that series

The incident I'll never forget in the Josh Paul , Aj pryzienski play. Of course right

Now after 5 long years I'm started to get fired up. I can't wait. I get goosebumps just thinking about it

Anyone have any pump up vids on this year's angels team? Or postseason pump up vids? Nothing like getting the blood flowing.

Fvck I can't wait. I think pujols is ready to shut up all his doubters

Edited by nando714
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