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Roy Hobbs

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Posts posted by Roy Hobbs

  1. 7 minutes ago, Chuckster70 said:

    Oh I know he will. I'm talking about next season being his last. He can say goodbye to the fans in St. Louis during that series and have a retirement parade throughout the campaign much like Jeter, Ortiz and some of the other all-time greats.

    After next season he is owed "only" 59 million.It is already a sunk cost,so it might not be impossible to buy him out at that time.

  2. 6 minutes ago, tdawg87 said:

    He's the player Dipoto and his boys all got naked and started jerking each other off and rubbing butts and high-fiving over while they ejaculated on their scouting reports.

    But they did it because they thought he was a star catcher that everyone else overlooked. Eppler was like "F*ck that gay shit" and turned him into a 3rd baseman because F*ck Dipoto and his war room of butt slapping turd pushers.

    It's crazy, but that is exactly how I remember it.

  3. Growing up before the Angels were in existence ,the highlight of my week was the arrival of my Sports Illustrated.Most of my baseball world came via the newspaper and it's box scores but when the magazine arrived with it's color pictures of Mickey Mantle and Willie Mays, it seemed to come to life.The ground level shots you took remind me so much of those old photos.It's funny that @Angel Dog and Beer mentioned the first one as that was the one that really stood out to me too.The way you captured the batter,catcher and umpire is exactly the way they would do it.Well done,you really brought back some great memories.Thanks.

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