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Fake Chow

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  1. Like
    Fake Chow reacted to rafibomb in Los Angeles Angels 2022 MLB Draft Thread   
    Joyce and Madden are an exciting pair of players to get without owning a 2nd rounder. 
  2. Funny
    Fake Chow reacted to Angels_Make_Me_Drink in Los Angeles Angels 2022 MLB Draft Thread   
    Perfect example of Oklahoma grammar…
  3. Like
    Fake Chow reacted to Inside Pitch in Arte fired the wrong guy   
    I wish Eppler had walked into the situation he left Minasian and not the one Dipoto left him.  
  4. Like
    Fake Chow reacted to AngelsFanSince86 in How would you feel about a rebuild if the Angels fail to make the playoffs in 2022?   
    Their problem is commitment.  If they want to win with Trout and Ohtani then they needed to sign a legit SS, another OFer, and another SP.  The Angels have depth.  The problem is they've made that depth their starters.  Adell, Duffy, Velasquez, Ward, and Marsh should have all started this season as depth.  Instead they were all battling for starting positions.  
    On the flip side I definitely don't want them to trade Trout, but as long as he and Ohtani are on this team they will never be bad enough to get a top draft pick.  That is why the Angels are forever in mediocrity.  Won't go all in and try to win and won't go all in and rebuild.  
  5. Like
    Fake Chow reacted to DMVol in How would you feel about a rebuild if the Angels fail to make the playoffs in 2022?   
    To move Trout, we would have to eat a significant portion of his deal....while that might free up some money, I don't think it is realistic to talk about moving Trout or Rendon....Ohtani is a different question....he would net a huge return and I'd rather get something than let him walk....but that decision doesn't have to be made now....see where the rest of the season goes and how amenable he is to a new deal....
  6. Like
    Fake Chow reacted to Docwaukee in How would you feel about a rebuild if the Angels fail to make the playoffs in 2022?   
    This franchise just keeps getting the math all wrong.  
    Two superstar 7 WAR players plus 10 other 1.0 WAR players that equal 24 WAR is not the same as  12 players that each produce 2 WAR.   That's hyperbole and not realistic but lends to the approach that the halos have been taking.  
    It they 'rebuild' under the same construct then it's not gonna matter.  Don't leave gaps because on a game to game basis those gaps don't get filled.  Over the course of a season you might have a top 5 offense.  But game to game, if you're superstar goes 0-4, you're fucked.  
    So rebuild the idea of how you construct your team if you're gonna rebuild.  To assume that a superstar is going to be a superstar in every game they play is just so stupid.  
  7. Funny
  8. Funny
    Fake Chow reacted to Taylor in Velazquez offensively   
    Angels' depth:

  9. Like
    Fake Chow reacted to mmc in Worst Oganization in Sports?   
    Lol @ calling the Sixers or Mavs poorly ran compared to the Angels
  10. Funny
    Fake Chow reacted to Docwaukee in The Official 2022 Los Angeles Angels Minor League Stats, Reports & Scouting Thread   
    so like an unshaved Bush from the 1970's?
  11. Like
    Fake Chow reacted to Dtwncbad in Taylor WARd   
    Man I am baffled on Ward.  Thrilled of course and fully happy to have been totally wrong about (I 100% gave up on him and was perfectly fine moving on).
    But some confusion remains.   Where did this come from?  I still see a swing that, to me, looks like an over-coached high school player. . . Like he is just executing some techniques rather than being a natural hitter.
    Man I hope this is for real.  The Angels are so much better with this additional offense.
    I will also say it is kind of funny for people to see Ward doing well, see he has basically taken the job that was there for Adell, and then knee-jerk into viewIng Adell as a bust that is dispensable.
    Maybe the Ward lesson is to have more patience with Adell, not less.
  12. Funny
    Fake Chow reacted to HanfordGuy in The Official 2022 MLB Season Thread   
    But he does know what “love” is.
  13. Like
    Fake Chow reacted to Blarg in AngelsWin Today: New Documentary in Theatres Soon - "Facing Nolan" - Update: Now on Netflix   
    It needs more Angels footage. It was with the Angels where he learned how to pitch not just throw harder than anyone else. 
  14. Funny
    Fake Chow reacted to Stradling in Article about the Angels In New York Daily News   
    How does Sam Blum have the time to write under a pseudonym?
  15. Like
    Fake Chow reacted to Inside Pitch in The Official 2022 Los Angeles Angels Minor League Stats, Reports & Scouting Thread   
    If it was his eyes, you'd think his offense would suffer.  I think it's all in the melon.
  16. Like
    Fake Chow reacted to Chuck in The Official TROUTstanding Thread   
  17. Like
    Fake Chow reacted to Stradling in How long a leash does Velasquez have?   
    On a team that lacks defense he should start virtually everyday.  We have the bats to support his awful bat, but we don’t have the defense to support his replacement defensively.  
  18. Funny
    Fake Chow reacted to AngelsLakersFan in Gameday Thread: Guardians @ Angels (4/27/22): Ohtani on the mound   
    Lol man it’s so sad. Ask her out now so you can save yourself some money
  19. Funny
    Fake Chow reacted to ten ocho recon scout in This team is magical   
    Watch her get fat and shave her head now, since you posted that
  20. Funny
  21. Like
    Fake Chow reacted to Docwaukee in Marsh and Adell   
    Had something similar to this written out and forgot to hit send before I left for easter festivities.  
    He's probably one of the Halo's best depth pieces and likely the main reason Upton was let go.  He's at least a league avg. replacement for either Adell or Marsh and actually could be decently above avg.  And I agree that he can play a serviceable CF.  In limited time there the eye test actually told me he was above avg.  His routes were legit and reaction time was solid.  Very good arm.  
    People might laugh about this, but he's got legit trade value.  Oddly, they give him 30 speed but it's just another reason to prove that prospect folks don't pay attention.  He runs really well and can snag a bag here or there although if I had one nit on him, I would be that he's kinda braindead on the basepaths in general.  
    I agree that the whole draft day thing has followed him around a bit as a negative, but he's actually a solid player.  He clearly wasn't a fit as a C but moving him off of that was a solid decision.  Even though he's athletic enough to handle it, I'm not sure he's got the baseball acumen for it.  
    He could end up a surprisingly important piece in a deadline deal.  One where people will  be happy he's 'all we gave up' but the team would actually miss his value.  
    Give me four of him for our bench and I'd be happy assuming that couple of them could play MIF.  
  22. Like
    Fake Chow reacted to ettin in Marsh and Adell   
    Oh of course, he has put in the work, I am just saying that the typical fan has generally disregarded his upside and that very work that he has put in. It's not just the offense, too, it is his ability to play a passably decent CF and can play an above average corner spot, particularly in RF with the C arm he has. I understand why people were underwhelmed on Draft Day, but Ward has turned himself into a functional piece and his bat has improved even more than some thought. I guess I put myself in the category of fans who believed in his potential and it is nice to see him performing well, hope he keeps it up.
  23. Like
    Fake Chow reacted to ettin in Marsh and Adell   
    I think, due to the Draft Day drama provided by Dipoto and team, people have not taken Ward's potential, moreso on the offensive side, seriously.
  24. Like
    Fake Chow got a reaction from HanfordGuy in Roki Sasaki   
    Would love to sign a 25 year old ace if decides to he wants to pitch in the MLB.
  25. THIS!
    Fake Chow reacted to Inside Pitch in Jo Adell & Variations on Player Development   
    THIS is exactly the issue..   They made a 28 million dollar decision in large part to open up the OF for the two guys who represent the future.  To then turn around and punt one game in, or claim the plan was always to platoon one of them with Rojas is laughable at best and at worst calls into question their credibility/thought process.
    Also, when the stated long term plan is to eventually move Marsh into CF meaning Trout goes to left -- what the  hell is the point of playing Adell in LF when it's entirely not neccessary? "Oh it's important to win games early and get off to a good start, but I'm going to play my little experiments with the defense and the lineup because reasons" -- Joe Maddon
    It's the say one thing do the other stuff that loses me every time.
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